When you’re ready to write a computer program, keep these how-to tips on programming in mind so the program you create has clear instructions for the computer to carry out tasks effectively:
- Use descriptive variable names.
- Use appropriate data types.
- Write programs that are easy to read and understand.
- Use simple algorithms and data structures whenever possible.
- Comment your program liberally. (Or, as an alternative, make your code so clear and easy to read that you don’t need comments in the first place.)
- Write modular programs by dividing a large program into several smaller programs that you isolate from one another.
- Test boundary conditions by giving your program extremely high and extremely low numbers.
- Choose the right algorithm and data structure for your program.
- Eliminate all unnecessary instructions or variables.
- Make your program work first; then worry about optimizing the program to make it smaller and faster. Remember that a slow, bloated program that works is preferable to a small, fast program that doesn’t work.
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