The Keys
Here are some hotkeys to speed up your mailing tasks: Type m to refresh and check your messages list, n to create a new message, r to reply to a selected message, and a to reply all to a message.
Find an Attachment
If you need to search for a specific attachment you received or sent via e-mail, and you know the filename or even some of the words found within the attachment, you can do a file search by entering attachment:keyword in the search bar. You can also search by attachment file type by inputting it in the search bar (for example, attachmenttype:doc).
It's All Subjective
If you've always wondered where spammers get their wacky subject lines, Yahoo Mail Beta can give you a taste. When you compose a new message, leave the subject line blank and hit the Subject button. Your subject line may be filled in with such perplexing inanities like "dodging serendipities." Keep clicking the Subject button until you find one suitably nonsensical to send to your friend.
Needle in a Haystack
If you have thousands of messages and a new e-mail comes in that's incorrectly dated and disappears into your Inbox, use the following key combination so you don't have to scroll through messages hunting it down. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up Arrow (or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down Arrow) pops up a dialog box that lets you search by subject or sender, or whether the message is flagged or unread.
When Minus Adds Up
You can narrow down your search results by placing "-" at the beginning of specific words at the end of your query to eliminate messages you don't want to retrieve. For instance, typing in recipes -chocolate will find all messages containing the word "recipe" that don't also contain the word "chocolate."
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